Changes to the PerfectSniper app.

At the beginning of March, there were problems with using the Sniper. They resulted from the fact that Allegro disabled access to the data our tool used. This caused problems with adding shots, a finder, updating prices, or the final results of the auction.

We've been working hard to get all the functions back and wanted to let you know that we've made it. is now 100% working properly.

The bad news is that nowadays accessing Allegro data is much more difficult than it used to be and requires many times more resources. This means that we are forced to eliminate the free shots awarded every month and slightly increase the prices (for the first time in 15 years).

We hope you understand this change and we will continue to win auctions for you.

The new price list comes into force on April 5. Until then, you can still buy shots at the old prices, and additionally, as compensation for inconvenience, we will give all Users 10 free shots.

The new pricelist looks like this (before any discounts):

20 shots package: $4.99
50 shots package: $8.99
100 shots package: $14.99
200 shots package: $24.99
400 shots package: $44.99

Finder Pro:
Monthly payment: PLN 7.99
Annual payment: PLN 39.99

Greetings and wish you many winning auctions.